Grant Awards Cycle II

Grant Awards in October 1999

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Facts and Figures >>

Principal Investigator Project Title/Link
Prof. Jonathan S. Bromberg
Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA
Gene Therapy to Prolong Graft Survival
Dr. Régis Josien
ITERT/ INSERM Unit 437, Nantes, France
The Role of TRANCE during Allograft Rejection and Tolerance
Dr. Lina Lu
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Prevention of Heart Allograft Rejection by Genetically Modified Immunoregulatory Cells
Dr. Sean O’Herrin
University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Utilization of Immune System Molecules to Prolong Survival of Transplants
Dr. Risto Renkonen
The Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Prevention of Tranplant Rejections by Blocking White Cell Traffic into Grafts
Dr. David H. Sachs
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA
Thymic Transplantation to Achieve Tolerance
Prof. Kathryn Wood
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Identity of the Cells Responsible for Transplant Survival
Dr. Jiangping Wu
Notre-Dame Hospital, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
To Improve Outcomes of Organ Transplantation by Inhibiting Function of a "Garbage Collector" Proteosome
Dr. Robert Zhong
University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Developing New Agents for Organ Transplantation

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