Funding Cycle XI – Letter of Intent Submission in October 2003
The Roche Organ Transplantation Research Foundation (ROTRF) is pleased to announce that in the first cycle of the second five-year period, 2.0 million Swiss Francs (CHF) have been distributed to twelve applicants who were awarded an ROTRF grant. The Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the ROTRF were once again pleased with the high quality and originality demonstrated by the applicants.
During the last funding cycle (cycle XI) the ROTRF received 75 Letters of Intent from scientists around the world. More than half of the applications (53%) came from European scientists, in particular from the UK (20%), France (12%), Germany (5%) and the Netherlands (4%). 36% of the Letters of Intent were submitted by scientists in the USA, 5% by Canadian, and the remainder by Australian and South American scientists.
All the Letters of Intent were reviewed by the ROTRF SAC for relevance to organ transplantation, scientific excellence and originality. Based on the evaluations and comments of the SAC, the Board of Trustees invited 22 applicants to submit a Full Paper Application.
Based on the recommendations of the SAC, who reviewed the Full Paper Applications, the Board of Trustees awarded twelve full or partial grants of up to 300’000 CHF to five applicants from the USA, two from the UK and one each from Australia, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands.
The abstracts of these newly awarded grants are published in the first pages of this Biannual Report and on the ROTRF homepage. The funded projects focus on improvement of long-term graft survival, the prevention of chronic organ dysfunction, the induction of tolerance.
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Grant Awards
Grant Awards Cycle XI (2004)