Funding Cycle XIV – Letters of Intent Submission in April 2005
The Roche Organ Transplantation Research Foundation (ROTRF) is very pleased to announce that in Cycle XIV, ten grants have been awarded to conventional and clinical research applications.
Eight conventional research and two clinical research applications were each awarded a grant to a combined total of 2.1 million Swiss francs (CHF). The Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Committee of the ROTRF were once again very pleased with the high quality and innovation demonstrated in the applications received.
The awarded grants will support research that aims to advance the science of solid organ transplantation, thereby improving the care of thousands of patients undergoing transplantation every year. The funded investigators will focus their research on the understanding of clinical and scientific aspects of transplantation, such as processes involved in chronic allograft arteriopathy and glomerulopathy, the onset of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS), aspects related to immunotolerance, transplant arteriosclerosis resulting in chronic rejection, islets transplant rejection and post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD).
The ROTRF received 127 Letters of Intent in funding Cycle XIV up to the submission deadline (April 2005), from scientists around the world. Of the applications, > 38.6% were received from Europe, the major countries being the UK (6.3%), Germany (5.5%), and France (5.5%), 53.8% of applications were received from North America, the United States (48.3%) and Canada (5.5%). Australia/New Zealand (3.9%), South America (<1%), Asia (2.4%) and Africa (<1%) accounted for the remaining 7.6% of the applications. Based on the reviews of the Scientific Advisory Committee, the Board of Trustees invited 25 applicants to prepare full paper applications. After a thorough review of the full paper applications, grants were awarded to ten projects. The abstracts of these newly awarded grants are published in the first pages of this Biannual Report and on the ROTRF homepage.
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Grant Awards
Grant Awards Cycle XIV (2005)