Grant Awards in April 2012

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Principal Investigator Project Title/Link
Grant Awards in Cycle XXVII  
Dr Varuna Aluvihare
King’s College Hospital, London, UK
Improving our Understanding of Acute Liver Failure, Who to Transplant and How?
Dr Sophie Brouard
ITUN, CHU Jean Monnet - INSERM U1064, Nantes, France
B Cells in Tolerance in the Clinic
Assoc. Prof. Anthony Chang
University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Visualizing Inflammatory Cell Interactions in Human Transplant Kidneys
Prof. William Chapman
Washington University, St. Luis, USA
Liver Preservation with Body Temperature Oxygenated Blood Circulation
Dr Luis Hidalgo
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Understanding the Immunologic Mechanisms behind the Leading Cause of Transplanted Organ Loss
Dr Behzad Najafian
University of Washington Medical center, Seattle, USA
Discovery of a Blood Test to Diagnose Kidney Transplant Rejection
Dr Chirag Parikh
Yale University, New Haven, USA
New Method to Assess Health of Kidney Graft
Assist. Prof. Howard Slater
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Parkville, Australia
Improving Organ Transplant Outcomes Using a New Non-invasive Monitoring Test
BANFF Foundation
Lucerne, Switzerland
Establishing a BANFF Foundation